Setup Guidelines

Warning! Ektron strongly recommends configuring a secure socket layer (SSL), especially if you are using Active Directory Integration. SSL encrypts passwords that are otherwise sent as clear text to the Ektron CMS400.NET server. See Also: Configuring SSL

The two ways to set up Active Directory are contrasted in the table below. Below the table are instructions for each setup option.


When to Use

How setup is done

Advanced Domains

You are using a firewall

The Ektron CMS400.NET server need not be part of an Active Directory domain

You are connecting to multiple Active Directory domains, even ones that do not see each other

Ektron CMS400.NET Workarea. For setup instructions, see Setting Up Active Directory via the Advanced Domains Method.


You are using auto discovery and Active Directory single signon

The domain connects to the AD domain within the web.config.

For setup instructions, see Setting Up Active Directory via the Legacy Method

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